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You are viewing Cheat Codes for African Safari System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-06-17 03:27:52 Views : 23043 Code Result spawnall Create a Herd of Animals vulture Flight Mode hugeguns Infinite Ammo hgwells Make Party Invisible flagall Mark All Unlicensed Animals gps Mark Current Position xray View Kill Zones license1 Hunting License (Eland) license2 Hunting License (Zebra) license3 Hunting License (Elephant) license4 Hunting License (Kudu) Change Villager's Clothes: When you are in Africa and can go to the shop, inn and the small village, click on the village. It should take you to a screen that shows a man. Click on him about 4 times. He should talk about hunting and his shorts will turn black. Click on him 4 more times and he will put a shirt on. Free Money: For some free money, move the cursor to the upper left-hand corner and press Ctrl-4. Be sure the mouse is all the way in the corner or it won't work. Poaching on the Plains Normally, poachers are arrested as they attempt to smuggle spoils out of the country. But the savvy hunter can take home poached animals by retiring to their hut (and sleeping) for the reminder of the expedition! While playing in 3D mode, activate the following cheats by typing in the corresponding code. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more African Safari cheat codes.
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